We are so much smarter than we give ourselves credit. I just read an article in Better Homes and Gardens (so you know it's good) that basically tells me that we are certified geniuses. Turns out all that time we thought tennis was just a really fun game we were "whittling our middle; improving strength and flexibility; improving balance, agility, and overall coordination; and getting ourselves into great shape." While that may not be exact quote -pronouns and tenses needed to be changed- the message was clear: tennis is a great way to get into healthy. I know that tennis was a part of our general health plan, but who knew that we picked "one of the most calorie-scorching activities out there?"
If you got the November 2009 copy, be sure to check out the article on page 238. After months of being away from it, the article got me pumped to get my tennis on again. Now to find a partner...
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